Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
Quality Development Activities Are a Refreshing Cup of Tea

Quality Development Activities Are a Refreshing Cup of Tea

On April 16, the company organized employees to the Wushishan Special Training Camp Base in Maoyang Township, Xiangshan County for a one-day quality development.

All employees were divided into 11 companies, and each company held the flag high and displayed the queue, showing its domineering. Every time you shouted slogans to cheer up, give yourself a consecutive name, there is a fierce Tiger team, don't know if it's really fierce?! Twist each company into a rope, work hard to complete the tasks assigned by the coach, because no one in each company wants to make the last three big gift packages to accept the coach --- 10 push-ups.

Through the outreach activities, I deeply realized the importance of teamwork in the process of task execution, and at the same time learned how to break through my psychological limits. It can be said to be a very rare experience. This kind of breakthrough in the psychological limit can not achieve the desired effect by a random activity project. Through the careful design of the expansion project and the professional ability of the expansion division, it is finally possible to truly achieve the leaping of certain personal psychological barriers. Be able to appreciate the development potential of personal abilities, challenge yourself, and refine the team.

Such as the rapid 60S expansion project, the members of each team become a strategic team that can truly discover and solve problems. It not only exercises the analysis ability of the team members, enhances the communication and assistance between teams, but also enhances the team's sense of urgency. Everyone performs their duties and responsibilities, looking for golden points of cooperation in the expansion project, and constantly forming a tacit understanding. This relationship is formed from loose individuals into a combination that can break through any line of defense. In the progress of the project, each member has strengthened the confidence and courage to overcome difficulties, and improved the determination to face difficulties but persevere to the end. What is more valuable is that they have exercised the courage of each member and overcome sometimes only by feeling. The mindset of acting.

Expansion activities also let us understand that the possibility of completing all tasks by one person is very small. Therefore, the overall efficiency of the team is extremely important. The power loop, a project that requires 100% execution to complete, is more about testing team collaboration, learning empathy, and understanding others better. In order to maintain the best condition of the entire team and make it an invincible combat group, it is necessary to increase mutual understanding and strengthen mutual trust. The arrangement and design of the outreach training project has a deep understanding of everyone's efforts in this area, and it mainly focuses on achieving the best work efficiency and obtaining the best work achievements through the most reasonable allocation of human resources. As a result, when applied to specific work, the efficiency and quality of collaboration in the team will be greatly improved.

Finally, the team members clarified how to enhance the core competitiveness of the team in actual work through the kayaking competition and the circle of excellence expansion project. First of all, the entire team must determine a reasonable work goal, and work out a practical work plan under the premise of determining the goal. Obviously, the existence of a team without goals has no meaning; and if the goals of the team are set unreasonably or cannot be achieved at all, then nothing will be accomplished in the end. Secondly, the entire team must have strong cohesion. A single member must have a sense of responsibility and mission to the entire team, forming a core of mutual trust, so that each member can participate in the team work, and give play to everyone's initiative and participation. , The whole team can keep making progress and achieve success. In addition, the resources of the entire team should be allocated reasonably, so that people are suitable for their duties and the materials are used to the best of their ability. Only in this way, the entire team will maintain a high degree of development, from excellent to excellent.

After the event, all the team members applauded and cheered for the wonderful performance of themselves and the team. Borrowing simple and popular games to tell many rational and powerful life philosophies, originally simple games reflect vivid and colorful thought sparks through the coach's explanations. Many conceptual enlightenments are also ideological realms and concepts. The improvement and renewal, as if stepping on a higher foundation stone, made myself see the beautiful scenery of the cave in front of me. Expansion training is also like a cup of tea, gently sipping, not only the refreshing tea fragrance but also a strong friendship.

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