Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
JinTian (JT) Sent Open Red Envelopes to Returning Employees to Make Everyone Feel Warm

ZETTLER Sent Open Red Envelopes to Returning Employees to Make Everyone Feel Warm

JinTian (JT) chooses to open the door on the day of work every year to welcome old employees to return to work, stimulate their enthusiasm, enhance team cohesion, and make a good start for the new year. This practice has been adhered to for more than ten years.

The employees lined up in a neat long line with all smiles, and the workshop director gave each employee a hundred yuan red envelope. Although the amount of the opening red envelopes issued by the company is not large, everyone has a share and it is a kind of heart. I am very grateful for them to continue to stay in the company and use their energy, which makes everyone feel warm.

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