Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
Ningbo Zettler Electronics Co., Ltd.
JinTian (JT)'s First Badminton Match

ZETTLER's First Badminton Match

In early December, the company's five major production workshops jointly organized and carried out JinTian (JT)'s first badminton competition. The spontaneous activities of the workshop also received strong support and affirmation from the company's leaders, and fully responded to the company's cultural purpose of "harmonious family".

Badminton has a broad mass base in our company and is deeply loved by the majority of employees. Employees in all major workshops are actively signing up for it. In the competition, each workshop organizes the elimination round by itself. Only the players who stand out from the competition will have the chance to enter the final championship. The group knockout matches of each department were extremely fierce, and they all tried their best to seize the championship place.

On December 13, after fierce and brutal competition, the elite players who played for the honor of this department gathered in the badminton court of the north campus of Shunshui Middle School. On the day of the game, the colleagues who put on light sportswear suddenly became energetic athletes. The big masters "the eight immortals cross the sea and each show their magical powers", and some colleagues are at a professional level when they move. They are agile, skilled, and quick, accurate, and ruthless. Even if some players are behind, every ball must be played and they will never give up any chance of reversal easily. There are several groups of players who meet their opponents, fiercely cutting and killing, regardless of upper and lower, sometimes volleys in front of the net; sometimes with clever breaks; sometimes vigorously smashes; sometimes light lobs, each move is full of wonderful, and the players played heartily. The colleagues watching were even more thrilling. The superb skills made the whole final filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and the climax made this game a rare opportunity to observe and learn on the spot. Loss is no longer important in everyone's eyes. Don't give up, and the sportsmanship of hard work permeates the entire stadium.

Amidst the shouts of one after another, the contestants from the production three won the men's and women's teams; the production two won the second place in the men's and women's groups.

In the competition, we at JinTian (JT) showed a spirit of hard work, striving for the top, and reluctant to admit defeat, showing the team spirit of friendship and mutual assistance in each workshop, and extending this spirit to work, fully mobilizing the participation of employees And enthusiasm has better promoted the construction and development of the company's corporate culture.

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